Western Australia is set to welcome interstate delegates back to its shores, following Premier Mark McGowan’s announcement today that the State’s border will move to a ‘controlled border’ from Saturday 14 November 2020.
Visitors from Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, the Australian Capital Territory and the Northern Territory, which are considered ‘very low risk’ areas (no community cases for the past 28 days) will be allowed to travel into the State, and will no longer be required to self-quarantine.
Those travelling from New South Wales and Victoria will be allowed to enter Western Australia but will have to isolate for 14 days in a suitable location on arrival.
Business Events Perth chief executive Gareth Martin welcomed the Premier’s announcement, saying it would give a huge boost of confidence to event organisers to plan their next business event in our beautiful State.
“This is wonderful news and offers certainty to our clients and delegates who are planning on eventing in Western Australia,” Mr Martin said.
“We can’t wait to welcome back our interstate friends to show them the new and amazing venues and experiences Western Australia has on offer.
“Business events are a key economic driver to the local economy and delegates from ‘very low risk areas’ are now able to plan their travel to Western Australia with certainty, which will be critical to the local industry’s recovery and Western Australia’s broader economic recovery.
“Business events are a front door for investment and trade and are a forum to collaborate and exchange knowledge and showcase Western Australia’s research and professional expertise and capacity, and we hope with the best health advice, Victoria and New South Wales visitors are not far behind.”
Business events are already underway in WA, following the incredible success of the local Event Here Now campaign, aimed at supporting the industry and getting Western Australians meeting and collaborating again.
“Since we launched the Event Here Now initiative in August we’ve supported more than 50 business events, bringing more than 18,000 West Aussies together to connect, collaborate and share ideas and knowledge, and with a further 47 State-based events currently under development, we look forward to welcoming interstate delegates back to Western Australia to once again experience our incredible State.”
Mr Martin said local venues and operators have demonstrated they can deploy the necessary operating procedures and guidelines to hold a COVID-safe event.
Through the Event Here Now initiative, Business Events Perth is offering event organisers up to $30,000 in sponsorship for new business events.
Events that attract considerable numbers of in-person attendees from outside of the State are eligible for higher levels of funding.
A number of new venues and experiences have recently opened or will open before the end of the year, including Perth’s first permanent floating venue, The Raft, a new zip line and bridge climb on Matagarup Bridge, the highly anticipated WA Museum Boola Bardip, and a brand new 5-star resort, Samphire Rottnest, which sits in a prime beachfront location on Rottnest Island.
If you’re considering organising a business event in Western Australia, reach out to Business Events Perth at www.businesseventsperth.com or on info@beperth.com to find out about the funding and support available.
Media contact:
Hannah Beattie
Media and Communications Coordinator
Business Events Perth
9218 2919 / 0428 988 802